About the Test

"Indeed, this life is a test. It is a test of many things—of our convictions and priorities, our faith and our faithfulness, our patience and our resilience, and in the end, our ultimate desires. Yet there are times when the vision and hope of a Big Finish are dimmed by immediate demands, days when one might wish for a mortal exam that was a little more manageable" (Sheri L. Dew. This is a Test. It is Only a Test. Ensign, July 2000).

This life is a test. And a hard one at that. I often find myself struggling to stay afloat with my faith. I am worried when my friends and family make the decision to leave the church. And it seems that it often happens within these pivotal 20-something years. So, I’ve created this little blog as a place to combat the tests in life with our testimonies.

As for me, I’m Megan. I’m just your average liberal-arts-educated, theatrically-trained, leftward-leaning, grad-school-dropout-by-choice, happily-married-newlywed. Oh, and I'm a 20-something member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Or, as an advertisement on some subway train in NYC might read, "And I'm a Mormon."

Here is an accurate-as-talent-will-allow self portrait:

I didn’t go on a mission (because I met my wonderful husband instead), but I find myself filled with the desire to serve. So, I thought I would start by sharing my testimony of the good news of the gospel here. And make a space where you can do the same. Come on in and join the conversation. I’d love to hear your story.

testament |ˈtestəmənt|
1 a person's will, esp. the part relating to personal property.
2 something that serves as a sign or evidence of a specified fact, event, or quality
3 (in biblical use) a covenant or dispensation.
• ( Testament) a division of the Bible
ORIGIN Middle English : from Latin testamentum ‘a will’ (from testari ‘testify’ ), in Christian Latin also translating Greek diathēkē ‘covenant.’

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