Helpful Hint #1: Last Sunday was Daylight Savings Time
My husband and I don't watch very much T.V. these days. We don't have smart phones, either. We don't own a wall calendar, and we (quite honestly) would rather spend a Friday night eating ice cream at home than partying it up.
I promise this information will be relevant soon.
Last Sunday, we awoke at a leisurely pace. Church isn't until 1 P.M. So, it would be fairly difficult to sleep too late. We got ready for the day. I even did my hair. We were feeling pretty good about ourselves, because it appeared that we would be on time to church. This is important because it's extremely difficult to find a seat in Relief Society if you're late. (It's important for other reasons, too, of course.) Just before leaving, my husband took a look at his phone.
"Stupid phone, it thinks it's 1:48," he exclaims from the other room.
"What's that you say? Let me check my phone."
Same thing.
Check the computers.
Same thing.
Google: "Daylight Savings Time."
Yup. March 11, 2012.
We totally meant to be on time.
My husband and I had every intention to make it to church early. We did everything we knew how to do in order to get there. The problem is this: we didn't have all the information. Why didn't anybody tell us?
Lately, I think about missionary work a lot.
Honestly, I've never been very good at it. I get nervous about sharing something as intimate as my testimony with those who may not accept what I believe. They may mock it. They make boil me down to a simple stereotype. They might even think that I was out of line.
Or, at least, those are the kinds of thoughts I ascribe to those with which I might share.
But this Daylight Savings 2012 Debacle made me think twice.
There are a lot of good people around us. And most of them are doing the best they can with the knowledge they have. They have every intention of making it to church on time, so to speak. And when they discover the truth, they may ask, "Why didn't anybody tell me?"
My best friend knew. Why didn't she tell me?
My neighbor knew. Why didn't he tell me?
One of my favorite accounts in the scriptures is the description of Peter walking on the water. The apostles are out to sea. Christ sees them and takes the fastest way to reach them -- it just happens to be by walking on the water. Upon seeing this, the apostles are scared. They think it's some sort of ghost, or something. Christ tells them to fear not. Peter, desiring with all his heart to be with Christ, asks if he, too, can walk on water. Christ bids him to come unto him. Peter boldly steps out of the boat -- taking his first steps to Christ. But then he falters. He takes his gaze off Christ and looks about at the raging sea. He fears and starts to sink. Crying out to the only one who can save him, he reaches for Christ. Christ, being the savior of all mankind (and the savior of one), reaches back, grabs Peter, and saves him.
I love this account for so many reasons. But for the purpose of this post, I will say just this: Christ is in the business of saving souls. Ought we to do the same? At least, ought I?
Helpful Hint #2: Christ is the Savior -- my personal redeemer. Through him we can return to our Father in Heaven. We can be eternally with our families. And we can be sustained through our trials. I wanted to tell you this because I'm grateful every day that somebody told me.
Helpful Hint #3: Daylight Savings Time 2013 (spring forward) begins Sunday, March 10, 2013.
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