Friday, March 9, 2012

Why I Could Never Leave

"The answers we have a far greater than our questions."

Recently, I had the opportunity to hear Elder Holland bear his testimony. In this amazing meeting he said something close to the quote above. I'll never forget it. He talked about being worried about the people who leave the church. I can relate -- maybe not on the same level, but still. He said he struggled with the reasons why people leave. 

There's a publication, he mentioned, written by well-meaning people that addresses this very issue. It's called, Why I Stay: Challenges of Discipleship for Contemporary Mormons. The title is pretty self-explanatory, but (basically) it seems (note: I haven't actually read the book) to be written by people who, despite a few conflicting opinions, have decided to remain faithful in the church. Sounds pretty good, right? 

But Elder Holland suggested a slight modification to the title. The change: Instead of Why I Stay, how about calling it Why I Could Never Leave. This  implies a shift in focus. Instead of a focus on questions, we would focus on answers. Maybe that means we would spend more time focusing on Christ -- our answer.

I find the statement Why I Could Never Leave much more invigorating, edifying and intellectually exciting. So, I want to invite you to join me in shifting focus. 

Here on The 20-something Testament, I'm going to be starting my first (of many, hopefully) series! (In order to justify my use of an explanation point, I'm going to imagine you are sitting on the edge of your seat with anticipation now.) I hope you join me in sharing with the world the reason(s) why you could never leave. 

If you'd like to be the author of a featured post within this series (and I'd LOVE to have you), please email me at If you'd like to share just a quick thought, please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you. 

Go ahead and grab a button. You can write your story on your blog and link up to the party here on The 20-something Testament. Tell your friends. Share your faith.

And I'll try to do the same.

Thanks, friends. I can't wait to hear from you.
and then, she {snapped}

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